Monday, September 28, 2009

I've wussed out

And reinstalled the AC. It got up to the 90's and that cold front wasn't coming fast enough for me to get a good nights sleep. My nose is getting better btw. It's not done yet making me sneeze and snort etc. But I'm feeling better and that's what is important. When I got home yesterday, I discovered my Mac had died. It wouldn't turn on. It's probably the power supply, but it does throw a wrench in my system. It was old and I need to replace it anyway. But at least I would have hoped it would have waited until I had some extra cash around to buy me one of those tiny mac minis or whatever they are. It's a computer the size of of a dash radio, small is always good here. Buy a T-shirt and help me replace my old Mac You will love them. All Astronomy all the time. Just the pretty Hubble/Spitzer shots and no fancy writing or distractions from Natures glory. Enough with the shameless plug, I am very tired and I am going to bed early. Goodnight.


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