Monday, October 26, 2009

I never would have thought it but

Refried beans made with olive oil instead of lard is yummie... I thought it would be weird, but it was good. :)


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Looks like the ApolloCon Steampunk Ball may be in the works

I had a very good meeting with the con chair today and she liked my proposal for a Steampunk ball. It will have a few modifications but in essence, looks like it will happen. We are still working out the details, but I can say it will not be pay to play, but if you want food, it will be bit pricey. I am hoping to keep the price to below $40 a plate. But I would need a good attendance to achieve that.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Happy Diwali

I think the first time I heard of Diwali was this year when Italy refused to grant the local Indian community the right to have a celebration. The reason I mention it at all is there was a party on my floor held by the local Indian engineers and they laid out a feast of some considerably tasty food for lunch this afternoon. I'm still stuffed. The fridge is full of leftovers too. Yum. Any excuse for a party. You'd think that was all we did up here in Public Works.. lol


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Donuts and deliverance

I'm sitting here waiting for our weekly meeting.  We have this office thing going on about each person being greatly encouraged to bring a snack for the meeting and this week it's my turn.  I am bringing donuts.  I always bring donuts. 

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Burnt Orange Report: Tom Delay: "I'm insane or stupid. I can't figure out which."

Burnt Orange Report: Tom Delay: "I'm insane or stupid. I can't figure out which.". I couldn't resist, there is anything that begs for a poll it's this statement.

The Telltale Wombs Of Lewiston, Maine : NPR

The Telltale Wombs Of Lewiston, Maine : NPR. There are some games where the best strategy is to not play in the first place.  When I was a kid and I got a fever, I never once went to the hospital.  I went to the doctor and promptly went home.  These days, if I were a kid and I got a fever,there are places here in this country where it is likely I would wind up in the hospital.  Why is that?


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A lot of strange things down here

I'm sitting at Coffee Oasis again. I need a good hang out and I think I found one here. There is a guy working on his electronics project at the bar. He's got a large light with a magnifier and a soldering iron and the whole kit there. They've got live music so I guess it's a good place to work.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Conservative Bible Project Cuts Out Liberal Passages

Conservative Bible Project Cuts Out Liberal Passages. It was only a matter of time.  One thing I have noticed about a lot of people who call themselves Christian.  They haven't actually read the bible. They let other people tell them what is in the bible and don't actually take the time to read it for themselves.  I have read the bible twice through in my life and yet I don't call myself a Christian, and yet I can say I have a good working knowledge of it.  I would say that if you are a Christian, your best defense is to be well versed (pun intended) in your bible and read it from cover to cover and often.  Read the old one that you got from your parents, read the one that your family has written the names of your parents and their births and deaths in side in the center fold.  Two hundred years ago, the pilgrims believed in teaching each and every child to read because they believed that you couldn't get to heaven if you couldn't read the bible. Remember that no mortal has control over you getting into heaven, that is only between you and God. Do you really need a Neo-Druid to tell you this?


Legislators Push Early Start For Credit Card Rules : NPR

Legislators Push Early Start For Credit Card Rules : NPR. They want December 1st.  I think October 7th would be a better date.  My cards all just got r*ped too by cut credit limits and increased interest rates and I too paid on time, and paid more than the minimum.   They claim increased risk, well you know, they manufactured that risk when they did this.
