Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Adventure soon to begin.... OMG!

My vacation starts on Friday.    I will getting a few of my nephews for a couple of days from my sister.  I am trying to plan a few things for them to do that isn't going to break my highly budgeted bank account.  This is not an easy task.  If anyone has any great ideas for kids that doesn't cost money and is so much fun they will forget they are not spending money, I'm all ears.  Right now, I plan to take them on a boat ride, visit the Elissa, take the ferry to Bolivar and see hurricane damage maybe pester a few of my friends if they are willing hang out with kids, run a pirate game on my boat.   Any more ideas?

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

As the year draws to a close

Odd things start to happen.   A few months ago BoA decided to tell me that they were going to turn my fixed rate loan into an evil floating rate loan.  I think they must have gotten either in trouble with Bernake, threatened with law suits,  or at least some viscous hate mail.  Because I just got a letter in the mail from them saying they have reconsidered and are now leaving it well enough alone.  Maybe it was all those pins I had put into that voodoo doll of their CEO... who knows.

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Back into the thick of things ... And stabbing orcs ....

I had a great Thanksgiving.  I stayed a couple of days and had to babysit for a little bit so I took advantage of the time and got to introduce a couple of my nephews to the joy of Table Top Role Playing Games.  Dungeons and Dragons to be exact. 

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving y'all

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Yum cheesecake!

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Every Marriage Is Illegal In Texas, Says Texas' Constitutional Amendment / Queerty

Every Marriage Is Illegal In Texas, Says Texas' Constitutional Amendment / Queerty. All I have to say about this is, Sweet.  The government shouldn't be in the business of marrying people anyway.  Leave that up to your local religious institution of your choice.

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Pope's astronomer: "There are too many people who are afraid of science." | SciGuy | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Pope's astronomer: "There are too many people who are afraid of science." | SciGuy | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle. It is great to read an interview showing that yes, science and religion can co-exist and do co-exist.  This is an interview with the Vatican Astronomer Brother Guy Consolmagno on how nuns taught him about Evolution amongst other things and how the Catholic Church studies science to learn about God.

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Monday, November 9, 2009

Hurricane's a' comin' we are all going to die...

It had to be done. I am sure my friends, we can think of a few more lyrics than this... add if you want: Hurricane's a' comin' we are all going to die Hurricane's a comin' we are all going to die Storm surge is a risin' yet there's not a cloud in the sky Hurricane's a comin' we are all going to die I've tied off the boats ma'am and filled up the tanks The water's already lappin' up top of the pier The rain has yet to come but the floods already here Hurricane's a comin' and we are all going to die

Monday, October 26, 2009

I never would have thought it but

Refried beans made with olive oil instead of lard is yummie... I thought it would be weird, but it was good. :)

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Looks like the ApolloCon Steampunk Ball may be in the works

I had a very good meeting with the con chair today and she liked my proposal for a Steampunk ball. It will have a few modifications but in essence, looks like it will happen. We are still working out the details, but I can say it will not be pay to play, but if you want food, it will be bit pricey. I am hoping to keep the price to below $40 a plate. But I would need a good attendance to achieve that.

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Friday, October 16, 2009

Happy Diwali

I think the first time I heard of Diwali was this year when Italy refused to grant the local Indian community the right to have a celebration. The reason I mention it at all is there was a party on my floor held by the local Indian engineers and they laid out a feast of some considerably tasty food for lunch this afternoon. I'm still stuffed. The fridge is full of leftovers too. Yum. Any excuse for a party. You'd think that was all we did up here in Public Works.. lol

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Donuts and deliverance

I'm sitting here waiting for our weekly meeting.  We have this office thing going on about each person being greatly encouraged to bring a snack for the meeting and this week it's my turn.  I am bringing donuts.  I always bring donuts. 

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Burnt Orange Report: Tom Delay: "I'm insane or stupid. I can't figure out which."

Burnt Orange Report: Tom Delay: "I'm insane or stupid. I can't figure out which.". I couldn't resist, there is anything that begs for a poll it's this statement.

The Telltale Wombs Of Lewiston, Maine : NPR

The Telltale Wombs Of Lewiston, Maine : NPR. There are some games where the best strategy is to not play in the first place.  When I was a kid and I got a fever, I never once went to the hospital.  I went to the doctor and promptly went home.  These days, if I were a kid and I got a fever,there are places here in this country where it is likely I would wind up in the hospital.  Why is that?

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A lot of strange things down here

I'm sitting at Coffee Oasis again. I need a good hang out and I think I found one here. There is a guy working on his electronics project at the bar. He's got a large light with a magnifier and a soldering iron and the whole kit there. They've got live music so I guess it's a good place to work.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Conservative Bible Project Cuts Out Liberal Passages

Conservative Bible Project Cuts Out Liberal Passages. It was only a matter of time.  One thing I have noticed about a lot of people who call themselves Christian.  They haven't actually read the bible. They let other people tell them what is in the bible and don't actually take the time to read it for themselves.  I have read the bible twice through in my life and yet I don't call myself a Christian, and yet I can say I have a good working knowledge of it.  I would say that if you are a Christian, your best defense is to be well versed (pun intended) in your bible and read it from cover to cover and often.  Read the old one that you got from your parents, read the one that your family has written the names of your parents and their births and deaths in side in the center fold.  Two hundred years ago, the pilgrims believed in teaching each and every child to read because they believed that you couldn't get to heaven if you couldn't read the bible. Remember that no mortal has control over you getting into heaven, that is only between you and God. Do you really need a Neo-Druid to tell you this?

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Legislators Push Early Start For Credit Card Rules : NPR

Legislators Push Early Start For Credit Card Rules : NPR. They want December 1st.  I think October 7th would be a better date.  My cards all just got r*ped too by cut credit limits and increased interest rates and I too paid on time, and paid more than the minimum.   They claim increased risk, well you know, they manufactured that risk when they did this.

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Help Keep The Galveston Federal Judge In Galveston! - The Petition Site

Help Keep The Galveston Federal Judge In Galveston! - The Petition Site. Go ahead and click.  This is an online petition to keep the Federal Judge in Galveston in Galveston instead of Houston, or where ever they may want to move it.  There has been a District Judge in Galveston since 1836 and there is a huge industry(and the jobs with it) surrounding this seat that would have to uproot and move if it was moved out of Galveston.

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Keeping moving

I am considering taking the dingy down off the boat and rowing it up and down the bayou for a little exercise this weekend.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Great American Die - In

Barry Sears: Why Real Health Care Reform Is Impossible. Crazy... this is what we do. (always worry when I say "this is what we do" really...) We have the GREAT AMERICAN DIE IN!  Go out and cancel your health insurance now.  Really, it's time to stop the madness.  Next time you are sick, go to the doctor, any doctor and tell him/her that you are sick and you have no insurance and you are going to die on their doorstep if you don't get treatment.  Tell them you will only pay what you feel is what their service is worth and do that.  Pay what you feel it's worth not a penny more.  If you have to pay in chickens so be it.

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Report: Perry campaign recruiters getting paid | AP Texas Politics | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Report: Perry campaign recruiters getting paid | AP Texas Politics | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle. Talk about having to pay people to vote for you... gawdz

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Monday, September 28, 2009

I've wussed out

And reinstalled the AC. It got up to the 90's and that cold front wasn't coming fast enough for me to get a good nights sleep. My nose is getting better btw. It's not done yet making me sneeze and snort etc. But I'm feeling better and that's what is important. When I got home yesterday, I discovered my Mac had died. It wouldn't turn on. It's probably the power supply, but it does throw a wrench in my system. It was old and I need to replace it anyway. But at least I would have hoped it would have waited until I had some extra cash around to buy me one of those tiny mac minis or whatever they are. It's a computer the size of of a dash radio, small is always good here. Buy a T-shirt and help me replace my old Mac You will love them. All Astronomy all the time. Just the pretty Hubble/Spitzer shots and no fancy writing or distractions from Natures glory. Enough with the shameless plug, I am very tired and I am going to bed early. Goodnight.

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Historic Galveston Oaks Cut Down

Historic Galveston Oaks Cut Down. It happened over the weekend.  The sorrow I feel about this is overwhelming.

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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Being carried away by the mosquitoes...

It happens.  I'm sitting outside right now typing away and slapping away at the mosquitoes.  It got up to the upper 80's and dang it, I still am being stubborn about getting out that stupid ac.  Anyway I enjoy the outside, mosquitoes and all.  And... I got my laundry done.  It's been waiting on my to do for a month now.. gawd.  Having a head cold doesn't help matters.  It does get me out of the heat I guess.  I'm feeling better though, muselix is your friend.  Thinking of friends.  I've reposted that button for Robert again.  Here it is so it can be reposted on my other blogs as well.
Help Robert pay for his Meds! [...]

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ragweed kicks my butt

So I called in Sick today.  When I can't motivate myself to move in the morning because I can't breath even after double dosing on the Loratidine I think it's time to call in and try to sleep whatever it is off.  I did.  I slept until 11, ate something, then conked out again until 5pm and cooked a little dinner.  I'm feeling much better now.  I needed all that sleep I guess.  Perhaps too much sleep dep was starting to get to me. 

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lazy end of Summer

It's been a lazy day today. I meant to do laundry, but I still lack all the quarters I need, and the local stores here are reluctant to sell rolls.

Bringing back bad memories

I found this video on Youtube today, snatched from slashdot. Floods have been hitting Istanbul this weekend. I think a lot of us here in South East Texas can relate.

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I came here to write

But dang it if I am  not chatting online.  The music is pretty good tho.  And, I will hack something out if it kills me.  Projects ahead.  Get back to that chapbook.  I have a draft I haven't looked at in a while.  Time to get off butt and do that.

I think it's time we came to terms with all the hate speach

I have a lot of good friends that just so happen to be Republicans.   Many of them are scared, many are worried, and not about Obama either.  They are worried about the future of their own party.  And rightly so. Here's another blog post I came across shared today that may interest you sane moderates out there. An Open Letter to My Republican Friends | Dog Canyon.

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Just a quick update ...

I am going to Coffee Oasis for a bit and listen to music and write. I may get ice cream, but lacking ice cream, I may get cheese cake. My rent was much less than I expected it.

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Monday, September 14, 2009

Sailing off the dock...

I'm always looking for an excuse to go sailing.  Opportunity doesn't knock that often for me.  I've been thinking that what I really need is a little tiny sunfish or something that I can take out alone.   So I can get some quiet time out in the air and see places around the lake around here.   As it is, I need a couple of hands to handle Windreacher.   When you live on a boat, you are reluctant to take it out.  I mean, you live on it, you have to put things away and you worry that much more because you do live on it.  As it is, if I get that engine removed like I really want to, they will need to be real sailors as opposed to party/sailors that are most common around here.  Sucks doesn't it. It would be nice to have a few willing friends to come down here on a regular basis who have no problems getting into working on boats.  Elissa has it made.  It's hard to work on this stuff by yourself.  Getting motivated is the hardest part.  I'm usually too tired to fiddle with this stuff after I get home at night.  I'd give anything to have a job that pays me what I get now close to where I live.  The commute is grueling enough on a bus, I can't imagine what it would be like if I had to drive myself to work every day.

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Year after Hurricane Ike, damage remains - Washington Times

Year after Hurricane Ike, damage remains - Washington Times. We had a huge hurricane completely upend our lives here and no one noticed.

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Sunday, September 13, 2009

At this time last year ...

I was with my family at my sister's house. The power had gone out that night at around 3:10am. I remember that time because I had suddenly woken up and checked the time on my phone. I sat up and opened up my laptop and got on the internet and downloaded this picture of Ike as it had just made landfall about an hour before. Ike Comes Ashore

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Friday, September 4, 2009

Looks like Mt. Wilson is going to be ok

Here's a link to their moved website at http://joy.chara.gsu.edu/CHARA/fire.php. They have been working hard at setting backfires to remove fuel from the largest of the wildfires. I heard this morning that the "Station" fire is about 38% contained. They have a long ways to go before it's over.

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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Follow The Money ...

Especially where it concerns health care.  I posted a few days ago about a one idea featured by a writer who is of the mind that insurance should only cover "catastrophic" care and the rest should be out of pocket.  Just to let you know, as it is now, the status quo, insurance companies are making a lot of money.  Here's a list of CEOs and their last year's booty.

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Updates to the Cafepress site

I've added T-shirts. Cafepress has now a huge inventory of dark T-shirts that are perfect for all those hubble pictures that I so love to put on stuff. Feel free to check them out at http://www.cafepress.com/chaosbutterfly. I'll be making more updates in the next couple of days, so keep tuned for more.

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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

California is burning down

Being that I am an astronomy nut, I wanted to share the webcam from the top of Mt. Wilson Observatory near Los Angeles.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

A little cyber help for a friend

I've got a friend who's trying to cover his rent.   Medical expenses have left him pretty broke.  Think, Cashectemy.   If you have a few dollars to spare, Robert could use the help.  Here's a paypal button to his account. Help Robert pay for his Meds! [...]

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Friday, August 28, 2009

Living fearlessly

Recently I joined up with a Freecycle list, something every person should consider in my opinion and this last week I used it to give away an old bicycle that I was no longer using.   Where are you going Pen?  Follow me down the rabbit whole a bit more...

More messing with stuff

If you get a weird tweet, don't be surprised. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Friends in need

I don't do this much, but I have a friend here in Houston that is having problems paying for his epilepsy medication and his rent at the same time.   If you have an extra couple of dollars you can spare, you can pay pal him at robert_26884 ( at ) sbcglobal.net. Thanks!

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Monday, August 24, 2009

Just so you know ...

I am insane.  No really.  But most of my friends know this and would also know that I can be quite fearless as well.  Two things that often don't make a good combination. 

Friday, August 21, 2009

A few updates here for Chaosbutterfly

I have added in a redirect so now to get here all you have to do is go to http://www.chaosbutterfly.com and it brings you here!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A little test

Behind the link is a simple logic test.  Please feel free to see how logical you are >

Monday, August 17, 2009

Yes, I know, I've been neglecting my writing

And I feel bad about it too.  So, just to let you know, I've been busy with a lot of little projects.  The latest being getting my tires replaced and my car inspected. 

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I sometimes wonder

If someone found a cure for midlife depression in men, would there still be flat earthers and other crazy movements?

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Happy Saturn Equinox

The planet Saturn is enjoying its own equinox today and if you are into that sort of thing, look through a telescope tonight and for the next few days you will not be able to see its rings.  They are perfectly aligned with the Sun right now and completely invisible from Earth.  However, the Cassini Space Craft is taking some rather cool pictures of these on edge rings as the little bits that make them are now casting shadows as long as planets are wide.

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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Jeebus in the hospital

My good friend, Johnathan Valentino, aka Jeebus is in the hospital right now with pneumonia.   He's at Memorial Herman SE in room 104 if anyone wants to visit him.  I think visiting hours are 8am to 9pm.

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Human Games 1) Trade

Game 1. Trade Rules: You have stuff, but you look at your neighbor and he/she has different or better stuff.   Player 1 goes up to player 2 and says, "Hey, I'll give you some of my stuff if you let me have some of your stuff." Player 2 looks then at Player 1's stuff and says, "Hmm.. I like your stuff.  Here's some of my stuff for your stuff. If the rules are followed correctly, each player has some great new stuff!

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A diversion from the usual

Just to have a reason to socialize.

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

So, you're afraid of that scary health care bill...

I would say this, don't listen to any pundit about this bill.  Read it for yourself before you make a judgment on it! Yes, it's over 1000 pages and in pdf format.  Go ahead, most Stephen King novels are longer than this and I am sure you've made it through those before.  lol!  There are a lot of myths drifting around about this effort and all I have to say is please try to have a thought of your own and don't let people who have their own agendas dictate to you how to think. If you want to read a good blog about some of the myths debunked about this bill, Desperato on Chron.com has a good post about it. But don't let even him tell you how to think. Think for yourself. Make your own informed decisions.

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

What am I up to now...

Why is it that everyone wants to schedule their stuff at the end of July?  Sail training started a week ago. I am giving it a miss, but I really miss it.  The people are a lot of fun and I really miss them. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

just want to say.. hmmm

The air conditioner is out at the bathhouse here on the island.  It's also out at the clubhouse, however, the air conditioner down at the Marina office/bathhouse is working.   With electricity rates here double what they were a year ago because of Ike, it makes you wonder.

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Friday, July 10, 2009

More Elissa stuff for this weekend

We have another overnight scheduled so I'm going down there on Saturday afternoon for that.

Monday, July 6, 2009

More fireworks video

I've finished messing with all those little clips and Youtube has finished uploading and converting and doing whatever else it does to make them all flash video. It's about half an hour of video, but it's really all fireworks all the time. Enjoy! And... here they are: (Behind the cut)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Friday, July 3, 2009

ApolloCon: Saturday night

Room parties are almost as big at SF cons as are the regular events.  I took this video walking around on the party floor at around 1 am or so. Clickie --->

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ok, a quick post before I get to bed

Work's been hectic.   Just so you know, my supervisor has been stressed, and as a result, I've been stressed.  I am  hoping relaxing this weekend will help. 

Friday, June 26, 2009

Today is the day...

ApolloCon starts today.  I'm getting ready by working on printing out a few characters for the game I have scheduled on Saturday.  I hope to leave in a few hours.  It's completely across town, so I am staying at the hotel.  I am allowing the Space City Time Lords to use my room for a party room Friday and Saturday nights.  I just hope I can get some sleep sometime.  It's a con, I should just give up on the consept.

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Monday, June 22, 2009

Busy week ahead

Fortunately most the ApolloCon movie stuff is done.  We've got the schedule done, most the staff set up and ready to go, and the flyers are all up on the website. 

Saturday, June 20, 2009

About 10 minutes of raw flaming power

I snagged this from the ApolloPlus40 twitter feed. It's an awesome feed about the 40th anniversary of the moon landing. It's done in real time, that is, it's the testing and the prep before the launch as it happened 40 years ago. It's been fun to follow. Thinking of Apollo... namely ApolloCon, don't forget it's next weekend and we will be there running the movie room.  I'll also be involved with the Space City Time Lords and throwing a party in my room.  Don't know what night it will be yet, but it will be announced at the con, if not here first. I also am going to try and run a GURPS game on Saturday afternoon.  Probably around 12 noon or so.  It should be on the schedule at the con or up on the webpage soon.

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Friday, June 19, 2009

Thermostat installed

And we're cooling down nicely. :)

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Happy Juneteenth

I thought I'd mention that today. I noticed traffic was pretty light today for a Friday. It may only be because it's Friday, but still. I still think it would be great if we could get State Holidays off here. I often wish I could get a job at the State for that reason. lol! I'd have my birthday off guaranteed each year. In Galveston, they had a parade today. If you want to go to a great Juneteenth celebration, there is where to go. They go all out. I know that down at the Seaport Museum they have been talking about doing something for Juneteenth each year, but since the storm, I think they put those plans on the back burner. Maybe next year.

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I've got the thermostat in

That means I'll have a normal refrigerator tonight. Yea! No more frozen gallons of milk.

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In a nutshell ...

Mind the gap Oh and here's another good one. More here: Florida Stick Science Contest Today has been one of those quiet days. Nothing is going on. My supervisor is off today. I may do some writing to look like I'm doing something.

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Alright, gave up on the AC experiment

It was fun while it lasted.  That configuration wasn't working out with the ac as it was.  It looked cool, it was good for getting in and out, but I got tired of getting home to a 90 deg boat.  Gawd that has gotten old.  It's now back in the companion way but this time, I've rigged up a proper shelf for it to sit.  None of that collection of bits of wood and board to wobble off anymore.  It's already 2 or 3 degrees cooler than it was just minutes ago.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What a busy life

Game went well yesterday from all that I can tell.  This world I've created is getting more and more interesting each session.  I'm having fun with it.  I need to write down all these notes and publish it all as a module one of these days. 

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Refrigerator is working, sorta

Jeebus and I put in a potentiometer and bypassed the broken thermostat and it's running.  But that's only a temporary fix and not a good one.  So I have a jury-rigged refrigerator, but at least it works and is cooling down as we speak.

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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bilge maintainance and girlscouts

I managed to get to the Elissa on Friday just after 6pm.  I was amazed I got there that soon.

Refrigerator cleaned

I don't know what was worse, the water in the bottom of my refrigerator, or the bilge water on the Elissa. 

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Amtgard Wetlands Coronation 2009, et. al.

The Kingdom of the Wetlands has a new King. Kane now is king and from the looks of it, I think he will do very well.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Ahh the weekend... what to do

Well, I have lot of choices, all of which doesn't seem all that attractive currently. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The widget patchwork that is my blog

After looking though a half a million widgets, I am getting close to having this blog configured the way I want it.  Maybe, just maybe I can get to actually say something worth while.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Traveling unwired ...

I decided to try the laptop on the bus thing with the realization that my laptop is just too big for that sort of thing.  Too bad too.  I have a lot of things I could get done in that 35-45 minute trip to and from downtown Houston each day.

New twitter test

I am sure everyone is sick and tired of me messing around with twitter....  Smile, new users will be able to tweet their own twitter accounts on my page.  It will be cool, you will love it.  I know you will.  muhahahahah

Mirrored: http://www.chaosbutterfly.com/wordpress/ http://fionnghal.livejournal.com/

Sunday, May 31, 2009



Mirrored: http://www.chaosbutterfly.com/wordpress/ http://fionnghal.livejournal.com/

Another test

Testing yet again

Mirrored: http://www.chaosbutterfly.com/wordpress/ http://fionnghal.livejournal.com/

Test post

Another test post...

Mirrored: http://www.chaosbutterfly.com/wordpress/ http://fionnghal.livejournal.com/

Quick test

Another test

Mirrored: http://www.chaosbutterfly.com/wordpress/ http://fionnghal.livejournal.com/

Another test

Another test post...

Mirrored: http://www.chaosbutterfly.com/wordpress/ http://fionnghal.livejournal.com/

Yet another test

This is another test.  Lets see if it works right this time.

Mirrored: http://www.chaosbutterfly.com/wordpress/ http://fionnghal.livejournal.com/

Yet another test

Don't mind me, I'm testing out this thing.

Mirrored: http://www.chaosbutterfly.com/wordpress/ http://fionnghal.livejournal.com/

Testing out Twitter

It took me a while, but I got it working.  I set up twitter yesterday and do to a lot of connection issues, it has only started to work today.  It was weird, for about half a day it was telling me my username didn't exist, and if I tried to recreate the account, it would tell me it was already taken.  Gawd.. what a pain.  Anyway... tweet away.

Mirrored: http://www.chaosbutterfly.com/wordpress/ http://fionnghal.livejournal.com/

Making a few more changes

I've added an extra layer of usability to the Wordpress blog site.  A few commenters on my blog have had their access upped to "contributor".  This means they can post their own stuff now on my blog site.  I have to do this manually, and I have only upped people I know.  If I know you and you want a little blog space that's not a major corporation that can still crosspost to other places in the blogosphere... let me know and I'll up your status too.

Mirrored: http://www.chaosbutterfly.com/wordpress/ http://fionnghal.livejournal.com/

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Impromptu Sailing

It was a busy Saturday today.  Today, here at the marina we had the annual crawfish boil.  I was sitting there chatting with  my neighbors when suddenly one of them said, "Hey, lets go sailing, it's a great day."

Impromptu Sailing

It was a busy Saturday today.  Today, here at the marina we had the annual crawfish boil.  I was sitting there chatting with  my neighbors when suddenly one of them said, "Hey, lets go sailing, it's a great day."

Twittering away...

That's if I can keep it working.  It seems not to like  my connection, that and my connection seems not to like me.

Friday, May 29, 2009

A night at the Museum

My mother and I went to see this on Memorial day.  It was well, A kid movie.  Here be spoilers:

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Obama vs. the Daleks

It's been one of those weeks where I would rather be at home than anything else.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Most my commute is spent sitting at lights

Today was worse than usual.  I spent half an hour at one intersection.  I think the intersection of FM 270, FM 518 and FM 2094 in League City has to be the worst in Texas.  The lights today here were flashing red and it was backed up a couple of miles. [youtube][/youtube]

Mirrored: http://www.chaosbutterfly.com/wordpress/ http://fionnghal.livejournal.com/

Tinker I know you are out there...

And everyone else for that matter. Register on my blog if you want to comment.  There will be no spam from me, it's my site, rented via Godaddy.com.   You know you want to.  :P

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

I've used this occasion to get replacements for my old flags.  Oddly, at Target yesterday, they were selling only 3' X 5' Texas Flags but US flags only sized 2.5' X 4'.  I had to go next door to get a 3' x 5' US flag.  I probably should have gone ahead and gotten the smaller US flag, the new one is too big for the pole I have on the stern.  It drags the water!  I've had to wrap it once or so around the pole.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy B'Day to me

And to Dr. Seuss, and Sam Houston, and Texas and probably lots of other things and people I don’t know…

And.. I finally got a hold of Michelle at the ship.  It’s finalized, the party will be at Boondoggles in Seabrook on Friday evening.  I don’t think they know what is about to hit them.  I’ve told them to expect us around 7pm.  There’s a map included on this flyer, hope to see y’all there.

Happy B'Day to me

And to Dr. Seuss, and Sam Houston, and Texas and probably lots of other things and people I don’t know…

And.. I finally got a hold of Michelle at the ship.  It’s finalized, the party will be at Boondoggles in Seabrook on Friday evening.  I don’t think they know what is about to hit them.  I’ve told them to expect us around 7pm.  There’s a map included on this flyer, hope to see y’all there.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Birthday and other stuff

Currently, I am tentatively considering celebrating it on Friday March 6th at Boondoggles in Seabrook.  One of my Elissa shipmates has her birthday on the 6th for real and we wanted to do joint party thing.  I have sent her an email about it but I haven't heard back from her as of yet. 

Why not the Mucky Duck?  Well, last year I surveyed people and they all wanted it in Houston, but...  none of the people who actually saw and participated in the survey actually attended.  More of my friends off the Elissa crew attended than any other group I know so I am moving it to a venue closer to the Galveston crowd.  Boondoggles seems to be a big Clear Lake happening place and many of my sailor friends like it so, Boondoggles it is unless Michelle objects.  This is as I said, tennative, that means that I may move the day or not.  Depends on who's playing.  They have a few specials through the week but they haven't posted the March schedule yet.  Who knows, I may go for Texas Tuesday for the discounted local beer and hot wings etc.  That and celebrate Texas Independence day or whatever, being that will be on Monday and my actual birthday.    However, weekdays seems not to be a good time to get together, but who knows...  more coming soon.