Monday, February 22, 2010

Owlcon is over...

I was wiped out and I didn't realize just how wiped out I was until this morning.  I'm still a little brain foggy.  I was so wiped that I just couldn't make myself get out of bed until noon.  I had to call in sick.  I only really woke up around 1400 or so and made lunch.  Well worth it though. I have learned that I suck at Diplomacy.  The game that is and pretty much at the real life thing too.  I really need to work at the negotiation thing.  That game is a lot of  fun, but gawd.  My ld issues really become issues where it comes to knowing who to trust and who is outright lying to you.  Vital in that game.  I never realized how much that game was a Roleplaying game.  You only think it's a board game.  It's not, that board is there only for your convenience.  That game is 99% RP.  I must play this more, it's good therapy. The LARPs were great.  I was too Larped out for the Sunday Paranoia LARP.  I've never made one, I've always wanted to do one, but alas, I was doing good to stay awake for the AD&D game.  Yea, a real live AD&D 2nd ed. game.  For real!  I haven't played that in years.  Anyway, the cthulu LARP lasted until 4am.  I lasted through the whole game without dying, but went stark raving mad.  It was a good madness though.  I have video from the Serenity LARP, it was fun too, but could have used more action.  I'll process the video when I get time, possibly this week and post it up on youtube.    I have to do some work on my own larp this week.  I've made a lot of observations on how everyone runs their larps and now I am getting a good idea on how I'm going to work out the system for mine.  It needs to be more actual skill based and not so reeve/keeper/ST heavy.  LARPing should not be just table top gaming standing up and with costumes.   It needs to involve actual physical skills.  But I need this to be held in a hotel, so I need to curtail the physical action to some extent.   Much to be done.  I am still [...]


1 comment:

  1. Houston Browncoat Fearless leader here. If you took video, please make sure you have permission of all people on it before posting on the internet. We have a strict no photography or video without permission rule due to past problems with people not wanting to be photographed.

    We take this very seriously as one of our members was found by a violent ex husband after her photo was posted after an event. She had to flee the state.
