Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Back into the thick of things ... And stabbing orcs ....

I had a great Thanksgiving.  I stayed a couple of days and had to babysit for a little bit so I took advantage of the time and got to introduce a couple of my nephews to the joy of Table Top Role Playing Games.  Dungeons and Dragons to be exact.  It was a rough start.   The youngest, Brandon is around 5 or so and well, he can't sit still enough for something like that, neither can my oldest nephew Nicolas for whatever reason.  More on that later.    However, Victoria ( age 8) and Cameron (I think age 10) both took to it like ducks to water.  It was a little touchy herding the cats into character creation. I agree, that has to be the most boring part of gaming.  Thanks to helpers like character creation programs, much of that can be expedited to some extent.  I am limited to what I have on pdf.  It's a problem to keep a lot of gaming books when you have limited storage space, so all my books have to be available on pdf format or I don't have it.    This limits the passing around of books to the passing around of a laptop or fighting a printer.  The printer wasn't properly networked in, so I had to print out character sheets to pdfs and email them to the kids and have them print them out that way.  My sister has a mac that was graciously provided by my dad, but the mac doesn't run the D&D program so pdf it is.  Anyway, that took a lot of time, but Victoria I think was particularly interested.  She made a curious comment to me about if this was something that only boys can do, I said, "Heavens no!  You can do whatever you want in this game.   No restrictions at all."   Who has been filling her head with that patriarchal crap???  Anyway, when it came to the RP part, they were naturals.  I started them out pretty simply game wise.  Everybody is a 1st level character. Me:  "You all find yourselves in the forest near your village.   The town has been over run by orcs.  Your parents have told you to run as fast as you can to [...]

Mirrored: http://www.chaosbutterfly.com/ http://fionnghal.livejournal.com/

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