Friday, August 28, 2009

Living fearlessly

Recently I joined up with a Freecycle list, something every person should consider in my opinion and this last week I used it to give away an old bicycle that I was no longer using.   Where are you going Pen?  Follow me down the rabbit whole a bit more...Riding a bike is great in Clear Lake Shores, but getting it out of the Marina and down the street is problematic when there are no sidewalks and the traffic is very bike hostile.   It was also rusty and not the best bike in the world so it was hard to keep up with it and hard to store on a boat.  I'm now on the look out for a foldaway bike that is more conducive for my lifestyle.   When I put it up on the list, I got one immediate inquiry, an activist in League City who helps out poor people wanted it for his organization.  He was going to fix it up and give it to someone who couldn't afford bikes etc.,  yea for good causes.  He asked me for my phone number so he could call for directions and I gave it to him with no hesitation.   After we wrestled the bike from my Hunter that didn't want to give it up and threatened to toss people overboard for our trouble,  he made a remark to me that I found interesting.  "Thank you for giving me your phone number, most people won't do that." Think about that for a moment, why would you not give your phone number to someone who you know is a late middle aged known social activist who has been on that list for years who you know is just getting it so he doesn't get lost along the way? I usually restrict my phone.  I do this only to keep from getting calls from solicitors.   I hate it when people call me who only want to extract money from me for things I don't want.  If I don't see a name or a phone number, I dismiss you to voice mail.  Restricting my phone just saves me the trouble of reaching down and poking a button on my phone to  do this.  So every person who I have exchanged a phone number with me, gets put in my phone book.  I have a [...]


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